Roxburgh Area School

Roxburgh Area School
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Roxburgh Area School News

Past Newsletters


August 13, 2021

Netball We had several teams entered in the Central Otago Festival of Netball held this week in Alexandra. The theme for this fun filled festival was Tokyo Olympics. the Year 5 & 6 teams dressed up as Mexico and Scotland and the Year 7 & 8 team dressed up as New Zealand.


Mt Cook Trip

August 3, 2021

In Term 2 a group of Year 13 students went to Aoraki Mount Cook for a Geography trip.

New Zealand Area Schools Tournament

August 3, 2021

The New Zealand Area Schools Tournament was held during the July holidays in Dunedin, Involving around 250 students. We…

RAS Students Sweep the Competition

July 14, 2021

On the last day of Term 2 several Year 7 & 8 students travelled to Alexandra to compete in the annual interschools curling…