Roxburgh Area School

Roxburgh Area School
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Roxburgh Area School News

Past Newsletters

Southern Area Schools Tournament

May 20, 2024

The senior students recently took part in the Southern Area School's Tournament which was held in Tuatapere this year.

Year 11 Kayak Trip

March 13, 2024

Year 11 had a great trip this year on Lake Roxburgh from Alexandra to the Roxburgh dam, camping overnight. The weather was…

Berwick Camp

February 27, 2024

The Years 7 & 8's recently took part in a camp at Berwick. They also road their bikes part way there.

Kapa haka

November 1, 2023

The Kapa haka group took part in the Polyfest last month in Queenstown.

Ice skating

August 16, 2023

The Years 7 and 8 took part in some lessons in Curling and also did some Ice skating.

Portabello Trip

June 1, 2023

Four students attended a three day research program at the Otago University Marine Science Centre. They carried out a research…

Area School Tournament

May 31, 2023

The senior school took part in the recent Area School Tournament held in Lawrence.

Kapa haka

March 9, 2023

The Kapa haka group put on an amazing performance for the Cavalcade which was held in Millers Flat last weekend.

Year 13 Skiing

September 19, 2022

Year 13 spent 4 days skiing at Cardrona last week as part of their PE class. They had lovely weather and made great progress…